10 Times Doctor Strange Outsmarted Everyone

9. Hiding The Exile Of Singhsoon - Doctor Strange #385

Doctor Strange Comics
Marvel Comics

Of all the various spells Doctor Strange has gotten his hands on, the Exile of Singhsoon is the most powerful, as a single use siphons all the magic in the world into whoever uses it.

With this kind of power being a terrible idea in literally anyone's hands, Strange locks the spell away in the least obvious place he can think of, sealing the magic inside his assistants without their knowledge.

It's an ingenious plan, and one that serves to hide the very deadly spell away with nobody but Strange being aware of where it is.

While this plan is eventually uncovered, it's only because Loki gets close to Stephen's assistant, Zelma, and learns of the magic inside her - which was something that Strange couldn't have predicted happening. This aside, hiding the all-powerful spell inside people was a genius tactic, and one that kept it safe from countless villains and power-hungry individuals - although Zelma's anger at not being told is more than justifiable.


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