10 Times Joker Outsmarted Everyone

1. Highlighting The Flaws Of The Media - Joker's Asylum: The Joker

Joker Batman Catwoman Wedding
DC Comics

For any fan of the Clown Prince of Crime, the Joker's Asylum series is a must-read - especially the issue that's centered around the jester himself.

This is because the comic contains perhaps the single smartest plan the Joker has ever gotten away with, which involves the villain breaking into a live game show, and psychologically torturing its contestants. The masterstroke of this plan is revealed towards the end of the comic, where it's then revealed that he had set the whole thing up to show how corrupt the tv station itself was, as it continued to air his awful antics in order to try and get more viewers, and thus, more money.

This plan is made all the better for the fact that it doesn't involve any violence, as it shows that the clown isn't carrying out this plot for kicks, but rather to get a message across - and, for once, it's hard to argue with him about it.

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How Well Do You REALLY Know The Joker?

Joker DC Comics
Warner Bros.

1. The Joker Is Referred To As The Clown _______ Of Crime.


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