10 Times Joker Outsmarted Everyone

2. Poisoning The Justice League (and Then Killing Batman) - Batman: Endgame

Joker Batman Catwoman Wedding
DC Comics

As far as cunning plans go, the Joker's plot within Batman: Endgame is one of the most challenging that the clown has ever tried to carry out. Firstly, it requires that he outsmart the Justice League, by infecting them with tailor-made Joker toxin, specially crafted for each member. Secondly, it dictates that he successfully disguise himself as an orderly from Arkham Asylum well enough, and for long enough, that he is able to gain the Dark Knight's trust, which is also no easy feat.

With such a carefully choreographed plan, it's perhaps no surprise the whole thing works as the Joker intended, resulting in the (brief) death of Batman himself.

Although not everything goes according to plan - as the Joker does also die alongside his nemesis at the comic's climax - the simple fact he managed to create and carry out a plan that involved his own fake death, a poisoned Justice League, and at least one tank is pretty damn impressive.


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