10 Times Joker Outsmarted Everyone

3. Stealing Mr. Mxyzptlk's Powers - Superman: Emperor Joker

Joker Batman Catwoman Wedding
DC Comics

Given that the plot of the Emperor Joker series revolves around the Clown Prince having stolen almost limitless powers from Mr.Mxyptlk, it seems only fair to say that the jester outsmarted him pretty hard. After all, Mxyzptlk only intended to give the Joker 1% of his power, but due to the clown's conniving nature, he would accidentally give him 99% of his powers instead - leading to the Joker recreating the entire world in accordance with his whims.

But this isn't where the outmaneuvering ends, as the Joker ensures that his reinvented universe isn't threatened by recreating each member of the Justice League without the traits that make them a hero, just to ensure his rule has a level of safety to it.

While this plan is naturally foiled at the end by Superman and Batman's joint efforts, this technically doesn't mean the Joker lost, as he still managed to cause endless chaos along the way, which was his primary goal in the first place.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.