10 Times Professor X Was A Jerk

2. The Xavier Protocols

One of the other more disturbing discoveries during the Onslaught Saga - more disturbing than Xavier fancying a child? Mmmmmmaybe - was the revelation of the so-called "Xavier Protocols". Now, the mutant population includes some of the most powerful people in the Marvel U, which is saying something: Wolverine is pretty much invincible, the Scarlet Witch can control reality, and Wraith, who has see-through skin and no other powers. So I mean, what would happen if those powers were ever used for evil? Well simple, you just dip into the extensive collection of contingency plans Professor Xavier happens to have on file which will tell you the best way to MURDER ALL OF HIS STUDENTS. Seriously! I mean, some headmasters might daydream about torturing their more trying students, but this is a whole different board game, Chuck. You psychopathic jerk.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/