10 Times Spider-Man Has "Died"

4. Zombie Spidey Was Consumed By The Sandman

The Marvel Zombies series have gone to some truly grotesque places over the years. First appearing as an alternate universe glimpsed in the pages of Ultimate Fantastic Four, the world where the zombie plague has taken over every character in the Marvel Universe has been taken to its logical conclusion by several spin-off miniseries. Then it's gone far, far past that logical conclusion, with the superheroes having eaten everybody on their version of Earth and gone into space and invaded other realities to find more brains to consume. Also there was a crossover where Ash from the Evil Dead films used his boomstick on zombie Wolverine and the like. Spider-Man was one of the heroes who befell the zombie plague, and was a big part of many of the early series. Eventually he met his demise €“ technically second, since he was already undead €“ when The Sandman from an alternate universe is rebuilt with nanomachines and consumes his nemesis from the inside out. It's pretty gross.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/