10 Times Spider-Man Was The DARKEST Marvel Comic

3. Kraven's Finale - Kraven's Last Hunt

Spider-Man Broken
Marvel Comics

During his time lining the pages of Spider-Man's comics, Kraven established himself as a powerful and popular villain. One of the most formidable foes to take on the Wall-crawler, Kraven used his skills as a huntsman, impressive physical strength and potions to put Spidey on his back on more than one occasion. And his departure in Kraven's Last Hunt turned out to be a suitably dark end for such an intense character.

Published in Autumn 1987, the story opens with Kraven luring Spider-Man out, shooting him with a tranquilliser and burying him alive. He then goes on a vigilante rampage dressed as the superhero against the criminals of the city, even finding the time to take down Vermin in the process.

Spider-Man does eventually recover and goes after Kraven who gives himself up without a fuss, claiming that he's already made his point and showcased his strength to everyone now. The Huntsman then lets Vermin loose and retires to his house in victory, finding his final moments of peace before pulling a gun out and shooting himself in the head.

Whilst this story dabbles in the worlds of vigilantism and features a man literally shooting himself, its true darkness comes from just how brutal Kraven is against anyone in his path, be that a common criminal or our favourite wall-crawling superhero.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.