10 Times Spider-Man Was The DARKEST Marvel Comic

2. Giving Mary Jane Cancer - Spider-Man: Reign

Spider-Man Broken
Marvel Comics

Reign is set in a desolate future where Peter Parker has retired himself from the role of Spidey and his city has become trapped in the grips of a fascist mayor who employs a SS-like force to keep the peace. Not only does Pete get roughed up by these soldiers, having his arm broken during the scuffle, but it's shown that he's also now living without Mary Jane again.

It's revealed in the comic that Mary Jane had been suffering from cancer and that Peter had missed her final moments due to stepping out and stopping a crime, an event that had been the trigger behind him packing in the role of a superhero.

That alone would probably be enough to see this story make it into this list, but the comic isn't done with its readers just yet. Turns out that the cause of Mary Jane's cancer diagnosis was... prolonged exposure to Peter's radioactive fluids... Literally all of his fluids.

Shocking, depressing and just so outrageous to read through, Spider-Man: Reign is easily a candidate for the wildest comic book series ever written.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.