10 Times Spider-Man Won A Fight He Should Have Lost
5. Embarrassing The X-Men In Secret Wars

It's become an infamous fight in Marvel's history, the time Spider-Man embarrassed all of the X-Men at once while barely working up a sweat.
This odd battle took place in the pages of Marvel's original Secret Wars series in 1984. Spider-Man overhears the X-Men talking and, of course, misinterprets what they're saying. This results in a short fight in which Spider-Man not only beats a full team of X-Men, he does it with ease.
In a fight lasting about two pages, Spider-Man embarrasses Wolverine, Cyclops, Colossus, Rogue, Nightcrawler and Storm. He particularly clobbers Wolverine, swatting him away like a fly. And Nightcrawler, who should be nearly as acrobatic as Spider-Man looks like a clod as Spidey easily snares him in his webbing.
The fight's not exactly fair because it's indoors in a cramped space. This prevents Storm from wiping out Spidey with a full-scale weather attack. Still, the ease with which Spider-Man humiliates and then escapes from the X-Men still ranks as one of the most unrealistic battles the Webhead has ever fought.