10 Times Spider-Man Won A Fight He Should Have Lost

5. Embarrassing The X-Men In Secret Wars

Iron Man vs Spider-Man
Marvel Comics

It's become an infamous fight in Marvel's history, the time Spider-Man embarrassed all of the X-Men at once while barely working up a sweat.

This odd battle took place in the pages of Marvel's original Secret Wars series in 1984. Spider-Man overhears the X-Men talking and, of course, misinterprets what they're saying. This results in a short fight in which Spider-Man not only beats a full team of X-Men, he does it with ease.

In a fight lasting about two pages, Spider-Man embarrasses Wolverine, Cyclops, Colossus, Rogue, Nightcrawler and Storm. He particularly clobbers Wolverine, swatting him away like a fly. And Nightcrawler, who should be nearly as acrobatic as Spider-Man looks like a clod as Spidey easily snares him in his webbing.

The fight's not exactly fair because it's indoors in a cramped space. This prevents Storm from wiping out Spidey with a full-scale weather attack. Still, the ease with which Spider-Man humiliates and then escapes from the X-Men still ranks as one of the most unrealistic battles the Webhead has ever fought.

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Dan Rafter has worked as a freelance journalist for more than 20 years. He has written for everyone from the Washington Post and Chicago Tribune to Mental Floss, BusinessWeek Online and Consumers Digest. You can find more by him at his comic's Web site, CareersinComics.