10 Times Spider-Man Won A Fight He Should Have Lost

4. The Coming Of Morlun


J. Michael Straczynski's run on Amazing Spider-Man is a polarizing one: He did some great work in turning Peter Parker into a believable adult, and even made Aunt May into a relevant character instead of a heart attack waiting to happen.

Critics, though, say that the latter half of Straczynski's run focused too much on strange magic. Others said that Straczynski ignored Spider-Man's existing rogue's gallery, creating his own far-less-memorable villains.

But there was one villain created by Straczynski that has stuck, Morlun, a type of indestructible vampire that feeds on spider totems, which made him particularly hungry for Spider-Man.

And here's the thing: Morlun, if he wasn't so interested in showboating, could have killed Spider-Man during any of their first meetings.

Morlun hit as hard as the hulk. He never tired, barely flinched when Spider-Man punched him and could track Spidey even when he was hiding out as Peter Parker.

In the end, Spider-Man relied on science -- tainting his own blood so that when Morlun fed on it he weakened himself nearly to the point of death -- to defeat his new foe. That's satisfying. But before Spider-Man figured this out Morlun had numerous opportunities to kill him. Instead, Morlun toyed with his foe, for fairly inexplicable reasons, giving Spider-Man the chance to to win another seemingly unwinnable fight.

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Dan Rafter has worked as a freelance journalist for more than 20 years. He has written for everyone from the Washington Post and Chicago Tribune to Mental Floss, BusinessWeek Online and Consumers Digest. You can find more by him at his comic's Web site, CareersinComics.