10 Times Superman Ruined Lex Luthor’s Life

8. Killing His Love Interest - Luthor

Superman Lex Luthor Injustice
DC Comics

While Luthor infamously was romantically interested in both Superman's partner, Lois Lane, and his sister, neither of these individuals would see themselves murdered by the Man of Steel.

Instead, the blessing of a Kryptonian killing goes to Hope, a woman who Luthor appears to have saved from an unspecified life-threatening injury by having scientists replace the majority of her body with robotic parts. This succeeds, leaving Hope to go on to be Metropolis' other major superhero.

That is, until Hope drops a supervillain from the top of a building when Lex commands her to, which is apparently a huge crime in the eyes of the Man of Steel - despite the fact that he works with heroes like Wonder Woman, who are also totally content to murder people who have committed horrific crimes.

The two heroes then fight, with Supes naturally outmatching the newer hero. Seeing this, Lex decides to active a secret protocol in her, which makes her explode.

This is down to Luthor, of course, but you'd think Superman would know better than to try and go toe to toe with another superhero, especially one associated with the tricky Luthor. Instead, Hope's death gives them something else to clash over, as if they didn't have enough in the first place.


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