10 Times That Avengers Died (And Subsequently Required Avenging)
4. The Vision - Avengers Disassembled

Avengers Disassembled sees a whole lot of bloodshed, alright. Due to the hand of Doctor Doom, early in the event the Quinjet carrying The Vision crashes into the Avengers Mansion. The Vision knows of the dastardly plan Doom has under his armour plated sleeves and tries to warn the Avengers, only for the Scarlet Witch to hex She-Hulk and turn her all crazy and, well, Hulk-like.
Taking the event title somewhat literally, The Vision was genuinely disassembled via being torn asunder by She-Hulk. S’alright though, he’s an android, and they don’t feel pain. Don’t let all the screaming tell you otherwise. Besides, as he is an android it's not like he properly died, right?
The whole 'torn up like a wet tissue in a hurricane' thing made for a compelling argument though.
Whatever your philosophical views on androids and whether they can die or eat or dream of electric sheep or not, The Vision was later reassembled by Iron Man before 'Fear Itself' so everything worked out alright. The weirdest thing about the Vision in this story is that he vomits up little Ultron Orbs. The weirdest thing about this story in general is the Cap'n 'merica breaks up with Scarlet Witch.
Yeah, they were seeing each other for a while. Comics; they're crazy.