10 Times That Avengers Died (And Subsequently Required Avenging)

3. Spider-Man - Superior Spider-Man

Death Of Avengers

Talk about being dealt a bad hand. Not only did Peter Parker die, he died in someone else’s body. Jeez, Doctor Octopus, if you had malicious mind control technology all along why did you have to bring it out in the most callous way possible?...Oh, super villain, right.

Spider-Man's taken for a joyride (emphasis on the 'joy' part as Doc Ock starts taking advantage of some of Parker's romantic ties) after the 'Dying Wish' story. After taking a battering from battling various superheroes, namely Spider-Man himself, Doc Ock is on death's door and locked up in The Raft; a super prison for super-villains.

It's not clear when the two did a 'Freaky Friday' but it's revealed to the audience that this is the case when Doc Ock summons 'Peter Parker' by name. When the two meet that we're told that poor ol' Parker is trapped in the body of the dying doctor.

Sadly he can't take back the reins, given that he's in a dying body. Though during their last fight Doc Ock is subjected to all of Parker's memories, which starts to instil the Spider-Man philosophy onto him. Before Parker dies in his tomb of a body he makes Doc Ock promise to actually take up the mantle as a hero. He agrees, dubbing himself as the 'Superior Spider-Man'.

A little bit of Parker is still in his mind though, and eventually he manages to get his body back. Turns out that one of the things a spider can do is avenge itself.

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A twenty something writer who loves gaming, reading and spiced rum.