10 Times The Avengers Ruined Peter Parker’s Life

5. Making Him Fear Superhero Teams - X-Men #27

Spider-Man Captain America
Marvel Comics

X-Men #27 legitimately proves that - for at least a good while - Spider-Man was legitimately traumatised by his experiences with the Avengers.

Because when the X-Men come to try and recruit with web-slinging comrade into their team, he immediately freaks out, states that his previously mentioned experience where the Avengers made him fight the Hulk has made him skeptical of superhero teams in general, and then flees as quickly as his webs can carry him. Although the X-Men remark on how weird this is, it seems fairly reasonable that Peter doesn't want to reenact the whole enrolling process, especially when it may leave him fighting Colossus or Wolverine to get in.

When the guy who fights nightmarish villains on the daily is freaked out by the Avengers, you know the experience was well and truly traumatic for the poor spider-dude.

That all said, it doesn't stop him from eventually joining plenty of superhero teams - including the Avengers - so it can be presumed that Parker did eventually recover from his phobia in the end.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.