10 Times The Avengers Ruined Peter Parker’s Life

4. Hiring His Biggest Enemy - Thunderbolts #112

Spider-Man Captain America
Marvel Comics

When the Avengers decided to hire the Thunderbolts - a bunch of semi-reformed Marvel criminals - and tasked them with fighting and beating the New Avengers, it felt more than a little sketchy as a heroic decision. Add in that one of these villains was none other than Mac Gargan, the current Venom at the time, and things felt even more nefarious.

With Gargan still being one of Spider-Man's major enemies, it also felt more than a little cold for the team to hire and help him, without even sending Spidey a text to let him know the situation. This is doubly true when the work that the team does makes Gargan give in to the symbiote entirely, turning him into an animalistic beast that Spider-Man would eventually have to clean up, unaware that the Avengers were in no small part responsible for Mac's breakdown.

While it'd be foolish to expect better from Gargan, you'd assume that the likes of Captain America and Iron Man were better than hiring unstable serial killers, and then unleashing them upon society when they're done with them. Spider-Man has to clean up a lot of messes, but clearing up messes caused by other heroes seems like an entirely worse matter.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.