10 Times The Joker Actually SAVED Batman

6. Preventing Batman From Killing The Batman Who Laughs

Joker Batman
DC Comics

The Batman Who Laughs is a storyline set in the Earth-22 and revolves around a version of Bruce Wayne that is corrupted and 'Jokerized' into a being that revels in all things bloody and brutal.

As a split between arguably the two most recognisable figures in the DC universe, The Batman Who Laughs constantly finds himself at odds with both The Joker and the version of Bruce Wayne from Earth Prime. The root cause for The Batman Who Laughs' insanity is a result of him breaking the rules and killing his version of his arch nemesis, and it is this event that helps pave the way for The Joker to step up and help save his own incarnation of the Dark Knight.

The Earth Prime version of Bruce Wayne finds himself losing control during a confrontation with The Batman Who Laughs, unable to stop the brutal beating he's dishing out. With a quick 'you're welcome' quip, Joker hits Bruce with a non-fatal gunshot, incapacitating him and allowing Alfred to intervene, once again stopping Batman from becoming the killer he fears he might one day become.

Whilst he might have had his own tussles with The Batman Who Laughs, the storyline is a powerful reminder that The Joker understands Bruce Wayne's psyche, and how important its preservation is in keeping Batman going.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.