10 Times The Joker Actually SAVED Batman

7. Helping Dick Grayson's Batman

Joker Batman
DC Comics

Grant Morrison's Batman and Robin deals with an alternate DC universe where Bruce Wayne has died, and the roles of the Dark Knight and his sidekick are filled by Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne, Bruce's son.

From Batman and Robin #4-13 the duo begin to receive help from a masked and mysterious British author known as Oberon Sexton. Sexton is a writer who specialises in the true crime genre of storytelling, but also a cold-blooded murderer who killed his wife and attempted to frame it on a gang. Never one to miss a trick, The Joker worked out the true culprit of the crime and killed Sexton, burying him next to his wife in Gotham City.

Similarly to Batman in the likes of Arkham Knight, The Joker seems to have something of an identity crisis in the wake of Bruce Wayne's death. After fighting alongside both Dick Grayson's version of Batman and Robin on numerous occasions and actually solving crimes rather than committing them, The Joker reveals his true identity and explains how he wasn't sure if he could continue on being the Clown Prince of Crime without his version of his arch-enemy.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.