10 Times The Justice League Ruined Superman's Life

4. Letting Him Kill The Joker - Injustice: Gods Among Us #4

Wonder Woman Superman
DC Comics

Although it is in an alternate universe, it is worth addressing that, of all the various questionable things that the Justice League has put their main man through over the years, letting him kill the Joker in Injustice is perhaps the most damaging.

Admittedly, the League do have a task on their hands when it comes to stopping their all-American golden boy, as he only goes for the Joker after the clown is responsible for a plan that results in Supes murdering his own wife and unborn child. But it's clear from the offset that letting him kill the jester won't help him or fix what has happened, and is sure to only result in the Man of Steel going to worse and worse extremes in order to try and make up for what he's done.

This in mind, the fact that the Justice League's entire plan is to have Batman and the Joker hang out in a building that Superman can easily break into seems more than a little lackluster on their part, as said plan puts practically no barriers between Superman and the Joker - which is wild when you remember that pretty much every hero on the roster has some kind of secret lair he could have been hidden in.


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