10 Times The Justice League Ruined Superman's Life

2. Letting Him Make A Sex Tape - Action Comics #593

Wonder Woman Superman
DC Comics

Perhaps one of the most infamous moments of Superman's comic career has to be that of Action Comics #593, which would see Superman be mind-controlled into making some 'adult entertainment' with Mister Miracle's wife, Big Barda.

Now, while it doesn't seem likely that the Justice League ever sat down and had a chat about whether they'd all be okay with being in a porno, it's safe to say that they all knew that the Man of Steel is not the kind to want to bone down for others' viewing entertainment.

While you could say "well, they clearly didn't know the film was being made", you have to remember that it's been established several times that Batman is constantly keeping surveillance on Superman, which means that;

A. He would have definitely known what was up, and:

B. He definitely just left everyone to it so he could see what would happen.

In short, it very much seems that the Justice League were having a viewing party for their friend's first adult film instead of helping to stop it, which maybe doesn't make for the best team dynamic ever.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.