10 Times The Justice League Ruined Superman's Life
1. Letting Lex Luthor Onto The Justice League - Justice League (Vol. 2) #33

Having a nemesis is, on the whole, kind of a big deal, as it takes a villain from being merely a superhero's enemy, to being their One True Rival - or at least their main opposition.
As such, you generally want said person as far away from your life as possible, unless you are punching them directly in the face. This means that the Justice League's decision to let Lex Luthor - Superman's long-term rival - onto the team is a little cruel to the Man of Steel at best.
Though Superman does eventually agree to let Luthor join, it's only after having his arm twisted by Wonder Woman and Batman, and even then it's readily apparent that he's not exactly stoked that the man who has tried to kill him roughly three million times he now has to trust with his life.
Lex would spend four glorious years proving Superman wrong in distrusting him, and then would pretty much immediately turn evil in Justice League: No Justice, likely leading to the Man of Steel feeling more than a little smug about being proven right all along.
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