10 Times The Past Came Back To Haunt Batman

5. Doctor Hurt - Batman #676-681

Batman v Red Hood
DC Comics

Debuting in 1963, Doctor Simon Hurt proved to be a very minor villain for several decades. But during the millennium Hurt reinvented himself as one of Batman's biggest tormentors. He has led or founded several groups including The Black Glove, The Club of Villains, and The Religion of Crime for the sole purpose to destroy Batman's life. When Batman asked why Hurt has a vendetta against him, he taunted that they have a deeper connection.

For years, Hurt's true identity was unrevealed. It was speculated at one point or another that he was Bruce Wayne's evil twin, a god, Darkseid, or Bruce's father. Inevitably, it was revealed that Hurt was a demon worshipper from the 17th century who rendered himself immortal after making a pact with the devil. To maximise his power, he must consume the body, mind, and soul of his family.

However, all of Hurt's relatives have now passed away save for one - Bruce Wayne. Because they share a bloodline, Hurt vows to take over Batman's body and use it to rule the world.

Because he has a vast knowledge of the Wayne's history, he easily torments Batman with lies and half-truths about his family, which he did to devastating effect during the events of Batman R.I.P.


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