10 Times The Punisher Humiliated Everyone
How to make friends and influence people, Punisher style.

The Punisher is no stranger to making people look bad. A heavily armed ex-military vigilante with serious anger management issues, when he's not shooting criminals in the face, he frequently finds himself at odds with the government, law enforcement and more traditional heroes of the Marvel Universe. As such, Frank Castle is not a popular man.
When it comes to fighting criminals, the plan is simple: killing, and lots of it. But when faced with super-powered individuals like Spider-Man and Thor, or set against a team of technically innocent military men, the man with the battle van has to change the plan somewhat. Guns are all fine and well when you're shooting drug dealers, but someone like the Incredible Hulk is going to take a bit more... creativity.
Whether straight-up murder is on the table or off of it, Castle continues to run rings around everyone who might come after him. Or vice versa. With criminals, heavily armed soldiers and celebrated superheroes alike all left looking like rank amateurs in the wake of the Punisher, one thing is clear... you don't mess with Frank Castle. Or Garth Ennis.
10. The End

First, The End. In which the Punisher ends the world. Or at least finishes what's left of it.
In the aftermath of nuclear oblivion, only the Punisher and a handful of survivors remain. Those last men alive had better hope that they meet the Punisher's standards for continued survival...
Which, of course, they don't. Deeming them responsible for ending the world, Frank duly executes them in his usual no-nonsense manner, their pleas falling upon deaf ears. "The human race. You've seen what that leads to." He then turns and does the same thing to his only remaining companion (for accidentally murdering some children, in a bit of insurance fraud gone wrong), before heading out for a walk in the flaming remains of the world.
In the End, and this world of Marvel gods and superheroes (who, granted, may never have existed in the MAX alternate universe anyway), who would have thought the Punisher and his grim worldview to be the last man standing? Frank Castle doesn't laugh, but if he did, the last would be his.