10 Totally Unrealistic Relationships‏ In Comics History

2. Doctor Octopus And Aunt May

Still, if you want a relationship that will have people shaking their heads in disbelief just by telling them the names of the people involved, your go-to should be May Parker and Otto Octavius. And if that unholy union, between Spidey's dear Aunt May and his fierce enemy Doctor Octopus, doesn't sound ludicrous enough as it is, just wait until you hear the reason it happened in the first place. Or rather, almost happened. Sadly the marriage was never legally confirmed, but Otto came ruddy close. Why did he want to marry May, though? Obviously she's a total silver fox, but besides that, his motivations didn't involved Spider-Man at all, since at that point Doc Ock had no clue as to Peter's secret identity. No, the real reason he sought the elderly Parker's hand in marriage was because she had recently inherited an island with an atomic plant on it which he wanted to put to nefarious purposes. Yep, seems like the best way to take control of nuclear power: by courting an ancient old lady, taking her as your bride, and thus take legal ownership over half of her property. It's not like you're a supervillain who would normally just steal something like that, or even just built it yourself with your genius-level intellect. Nope, this makes way more sense (it doesn't). Anyway, it doesn't work out, in a way that marriages never do for the Parker family.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/