10 Unbelievable Times Comic Book Villains Were Unmasked

6. Bane

Mysterio unmasked
DC Comics

With the publishing of Bane: Conquest comes a surprisingly rare event - the unmasking of Bane.

While Bane has been known to go without the mask of his own accord, Conquest marks the first time the mask was removed by another person, as Bane is beaten, de-masked, and then thrown into a private holding facility to be tortured for secrets.

All this might not prove dazzlingly interesting - were a certain de-masked Batman to not also be in the same position. Having the pair interacting while unmasked makes for a substantially more interesting comic, as it is the pair having to deal with each other without any of the pretences their respective costumes afford them.

It's not a perfect comic, or perfect characterisation of the duo by any means. But seeing both hero and villain team up without the respective aliases really adds a special, unusual dynamic to the whole affair, proving that neither character is interesting just because of their sweet dramatic costumes.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.