10 Unbelievable Times Comic Book Villains Were Unmasked

5. Mysterio

Mysterio unmasked
Marvel Comics

With the Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man series being often one of the lighter Spider-Man comic series to date, it's likely many fans weren't expecting to see Quentin Beck come back come back from the dead with a huge glaring wound. But this is exactly what is revealed to us upon Beck un-masking himself, unveiling the awful discovery that the self-inflicted gunshot he was rumoured to have died by appears to have been a very real event.

Given Mysterio is so notorious for creating illusions, it's fair to presume that this is yet another of the man's extravagant plans. But this appears to be the one genuine exception to that trend, as Beck's death - and resurrection - appear very much real. Not only does this make Beck's death feel more like a permanent event, it also served to make the plot considerably more interesting,

Mysterio's new supernatural death state isn't permanent by any means - true to comic's revolving door of character death - but having the event have some kind of aftermath served to really drive home the impact of his death.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.