10 Underpowered Characters Who Defeated Major Heroes

5. Mantis Vs. Thor

Superman Muhammad Ali
Marvel Comics

With Thor being a God of Thunder with super-strength and all the powers his role provides him, you'd expect he'd fare against Mantis pretty handily.

While Mantis is seriously talented at martial arts, her feature in the MCU had many people see her as somewhat underpowered. This is also not helped by the fact that her only actual superpower is the ability to sense the emotions of others - which is a pretty questionable superpower, given many of us can sense other people's emotion, by the magical power of looking at their expression.

But this doesn't stop Mantis handing Thor a sweet beatdown in Avengers #114, where she and Swordsman take on the entirety of the Avengers before joining them. For all his might, Thor is taken down in one nerve punch to the neck.

To add insult to injury, this isn't actually the only time Mantis takes Thor down, as within ten issues of this she is in another fight with the God of Thunder, and yet again beats him in a single punch - although this time he doesn't fall unconscious, so maybe it can be considered an improvement.


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