10 Underpowered Characters Who Defeated Major Heroes

6. Captain Boomerang Vs. The Flash

Superman Muhammad Ali
DC Comics

When you're a supervillain with the ability to throw boomerangs well, set against a superhero who is the fastest man alive, you're going to have to get creative to even try and beat him.

As such, Captain Boomerang's efforts against The Flash can be only described as imaginative, as it's literally the only way he can get a shot in at the hero. Of these various attempts, the one that deserves the most recognition is unmistakably the time Boomerang makes his body into a Boomerang to use the Flash's ability to blow him away with a gust of air back at him. It's absolutely ridiculous, but that's exactly what makes it so decisively wonderful - as we see the surreal lengths that fighting The Flash requires.

Not only is this moment permanently hilarious, but it's also a pretty good look into how such an underpowered villain has anywhere near a chance of taking on The Flash; i.e, by elaborate and bizarre evil schemes.


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