10 Underpowered Characters Who Shouldn't Have Beaten Major Comics Villains

5. Marvel Zombies Vs. Galactus

Drax Thanos
Marvel Comics

With the regular cast of the Marvel universe supposed to be unable to take Galactus down, it's interesting that, after they succumb to the zombie contagion in Marvel Zombies, our favourite heroes-turned-flesh-eaters are somehow totally capable of doing what they couldn't with totally clear heads.

The zombies have absorbed the powers of the Silver surfer, sure, but there's a reason the Silver Surfer is only the peon of Galactus - in that his powers were given to him by the Destroyer of Worlds, and as such as supposedly just a minuscule portion of the planet eater's true powers.

Yet not only do the Surfer-powered zombies defeat him, they kill him, as they slowly consume him, like a series of super-powered flesh-eating ants. Although it does undermine the intimidation factor that Galactus has, it ends the first volume of the series on a suitably terrifying moment.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.