10 Underpowered Characters Who Shouldn't Have Beaten Major Comics Villains

6. Batman Vs. Metron

Drax Thanos
DC Comics

In one of the most beautifully ridiculous and in-character Batman moments of the recent millenium, JLA #14 sees Batman take on Metron - who, as ever, he shouldn't be able to take out, as Metron is supposed to be completely invulnerable. To be fair though, this hasn't stopped the Dark Knight before.

Just before they are about to be killed by Metron, Batman plays his gambit, telling the New God that were he to use his powers to gain a mortal form, he would be able to know the one thing that Darkseid doesn't: Experience what it feels like to be human.

Metron is goaded into doing so, and the minute he takes such a form, Batman takes the opportunity to beat him unconscious.

Okay, so it's perhaps not the most elaborate or surprising of Batman's plans of all time. But in terms of power levels, it's clear to see that, while underpowered, Batman's brains make sure he can take out supervillains that he logically shouldn't have stood a chance against.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.