10 Underrated Supervillains Who Deserved Better

6. Baron Brimstone

Spider-Man Ezekiel
Marvel Comics

A character pretending to have powers they in fact do not have is a seldom-seen if not incredibly engaging concept when used well. While this isn't the sole reason that Baron Brimstone is an interesting villain, it contributes a significant chunk of his allure, as Brimstone uses his technological know-how to pretend to have magical powers.

The blending of magic and technology makes for the Baron to serve as a particularly interesting opponent.

Not only do the heroes have to initially realise that his magical tricks actually aren't coming from magical means, but they also have to work out exactly how he is doing tricks like shooting bolts of energy and teleporting.

Similarly, the idea of a villain who hides their real skill behind another fake one could make for some seriously dramatic character development.

Without making too may assumptions about his character, there's clearly something that made the Baron want people to think he has magical abilities instead of sublime technical ones, and delving into this could result in a suitably immersive backstory for the otherwise overlooked villain.


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