10 Wacky Alternate DC Comics Universes That Need Exploration

3. Earth 5 €“The Thunder World

Once upon a time, comics were simple. Heroes were good guys, villains were bad guys, and Billy Batson€™s alter ego was Captain Marvel. Although comics have become far more complicated in recent years, the aforementioned sentiments are alive and kicking on Earth 5: home to the characters DC acquired from Fawcett Comics €“ specifically Marvel Family. Not to be confused with Captain Mar-Vell of Marvel Comics, or Shazam from the DC€™s New 52 reboot, Earth 5 pays homage to C.C. Beck€™s original creation: Captain Marvel. Confusing? That€™s comics. Captain Marvel fights alongside his family €“ the Wizard Shazam, Captain Marvel Jr., Mary Marvel, Tawney the talking Tiger, and the most powerful Marvel of all, Uncle Dudley. Just like Earth 4, Morrison devoted an entire issue to this world in The Multiversity. Titled Thunderworld, Morrison attempted to write a (literally) timeless Captain Marvel story that could be appreciated by all ages. With Cameron Stewart stunning artwork, Thunderworld is a nostalgic, Pixar-like adventure that will leave any reader, including us, wanting more.* *NOTE: If you really enjoyed Thunderworld, check out Convergence: Shazam!, which is out now. Technically, these stories are not set the same universe (don€™t ask), but the characters are essentially the same. And although it€™s a part of an event, you don€™t have to know anything about the main title to enjoy this two-part mini-series.
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Since childhood, Bryant has been an avid fan of superheroes, and he has been reading comic books since 2006. His full name is "George Bryant Lucas"; however, after enduring countless Darth Vader jokes, he has chosen to go by his middle name. Born and raised in the United States, Bryant is currently living with his lovely wife in the country side of Wiltshire County, UK. Bryant does suffer from a mild case of dyslexia; misspellings and homonyms are to be expected on occasion.