As the Marvel Cinematic Universe has increased in popularity, so too has its influence on the comic books increased. Despite the fact that Samuel L Jackson's Nick Fury is based on the Ultimate version of the character, Marvel not too long ago introduced his newfound son who within the span of six issues lost an eye, renamed himself Nick Fury Jr., and joined S.H.I.E.L.D. With little to no explanation, the former Marine has worked himself up to a leadership position within the organisation and, hey presto, the Marvel Universe has a Nick Fury who looks identical to the one in the movies. This is one of the worst examples of Marvel forcing the comics to resemble the movies, but they change costumes/personalities on a whim too. Stories like this ask too much of fans and are just downright stupid. Synergy between the movies and comics does make sense to some extent, but not when it results in stories which are so outlandish that their credibility levels are completely in the gutter. They're unnecessary changes and are sometimes rendered moot by the time a movie's sequel hits.