10 Ways Marvel Are Ruining Comics

2. Franchises Being Spread Thin

The Avengers movie franchise is huge, but does that really mean that fans need seven or eight different books following their adventures? In Marvel's eyes, the answer is yes. Last year, Guardians Of The Galaxy ended up being an unexpected box office hit. Marvel's response? In the months that have followed, each and every single member of the team has been given their own solo series. That's right, there's a Groot comic out there. Before moviegoers turned on The Amazing Spider-Man franchise, Marvel did something similar with Spidey, giving the character at least three solo titles, a team-up book, and a variety of spin-offs. Now, the character barely has one decent comic to his name. The problem is that this isn't even a case of Marvel meeting fan demands. It's comics for the sake of comics, and the sales numbers reflect that. Instead of focusing their energies on coming up with one must-have series featuring whichever character is flavour of the month, Marvel would rather get as many out there as possible in the hunt for short terms profits.

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