10 Ways Marvel Shafted Spider-Man; and How He Can Be Restored

1. The Superior Spider-Man

Supso Doctor Octopus building a device allowing him to trade bodies with Spider-Man? Bad. Peter's mind being trapped in the body of a Doc Ock on his deathbed? Worse. Doc Ock having full access to Peter's memories, hopes, dreams, and fears? The worst. And on top of that, having Doc Ock €“ an unrepentant villain, killer, and evil genius assume the mantle of Spider-Man? That is an insult of the highest magnitude €“ and a swift backhand to the face to anyone who ever cared about Peter Parker and Spider-Man. Click "next" below to read how Spider-Man can be redeemed;

Arthur L. Jones III hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.