10 Weird DC Heroes You Won't Believe Exist

2. Danny The Street

Matter-Eater Lad
DC Comics

Grant Morrison is known for his pretty out there ideas so it's hardly even a surprise that one of his creations is a sentient street.

Danny the Street is a stretch of road that can teleport anywhere it the world and seamlessly merge himself with any surrounding geography. Danny can also "talk" to anyone who lives on him through window signs and rearranging objects into letters. He can also spread out his consciousness, surviving as anything from Danny the Brick to Danny the World.

He is a member of the oddball superhero team Doom Patrol and often serves as both the team's headquarters and primary mode of transportation.

Danny is also a transvestite. He "cross-dresses" by decorating his buildings with things like frilly lace curtains. While this all may seem like the completely demented ramblings of a lunatic, it's actually a reference to the famous drag artist and impersonator Danny La Rue. The entire concept of Danny the Street is a pun based on the fact that La Rue is French for The Street.

Danny's co-creator Brendan McCarthy also planned for him to eventually join the Green Lantern Corps as the universe's first Street Lantern. Unfortunately, that idea never came to fruition.

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I was just a mild-mannered NCTJ accredited journalist until one day I found out the truth... that I could share my nerdy ramblings with people on the internet! It's just like mumbling to myself on the train, but without all the strange looks.