10 Weirdest Comic Book Romances You Won’t Believe

9. Deadpool And Shiklah - Various Comics

Thanos Death
Marvel Comics

For any other character, getting married to a blood-thirsty Queen of the Undead would seem like an absolutely crazy move. For Deadpool, this is only slightly insane - which is about his usual level anyways.

Indeed, one of the weirdest things about Deadpool's relationship with Shiklah is maybe one of the healthiest we've seen in Marvel, with him marrying her, living with her, and supporting her interests - right up until her interests happen to be 'murdering every human being in existence', which for Deadpool, unfortunately includes all his loved ones aside from her.

This conflict would ultimately break the two apart, with Shiklah annulling their marriage to go back to Dracula, making for the weirdest love triangle in all of comics history.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.