10 Weirdest Comic Book Romances You Won’t Believe

8. Elektra And The Punisher - Various Comics

Thanos Death
Marvel Comics

For all intents and purposes, there are two main things that are surreal about Elektra and The Punisher having canonically dated. The first is that Elektra is totally a criminal, and thus should be on the seemingly endless murder list that The Punisher tends to have.

The second is that the pair are seemingly only motivated to be together by a shared love of fighting and murder that goes perhaps slightly too far, with Elektra even giving the Punisher the 'gift' of a mafia members heart, which Frank then has bronzed as a simply strange permanent keepsake of their time together.

Really, the pair were bizarrely suited to one another - right up until they had a profoundly inevitable fight, leading The Punisher to cut said bronzed heart in two, splitting them up for the foreseeable future.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.