10 Weirdest Comic Characters You Won't Believe Exist

7. The Skinless Boy - Harrow County

The Stalk Saga
Dark Horse

The Skinless Boy is Harrow County's reminder that appearances are often only skin-deep.

Because the Skinless Boy has no skin, as despite looking like a childhood nightmare that had your parents checking your wardrobe every night, he's a pretty good dude. He's also a Haint, which is basically a ghost who got bored with the whole "dying permanently" thing and decided to stick around instead.

After the comic's hero, Emmy Crawford, rescue the Skinless Boy's skin - which had been painfully trapped in some thorns - he decides to stick around in an even more permanent sense by becoming her loyal familiar.

The pair become the faithful protagonists of the series, serving as a sort of grown up Scooby Doo gang - only with superpowers... so, maybe even cooler than that, actually.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.