10 Weirdest Comic Crossovers Of All Time
2. Doom Patrol/Scooby-Doo

While the Doom Patrol are no strangers to a good old crossover, having them alongside the characters of Scooby-Doo is a little different.
Since the overall atmosphere of many Doom Patrol comics appears to often be a satire of that sort of breakfast cartoon vibe, it’s bizarre to see them next to the exact kind of franchise they parody.
Paradoxically, this is both what makes the crossover work... and also not work.
Seeing the two teams work together is fun, but the whole time a part of you is waiting for some brutal Doom Patrol-esque twist, which obviously never happens. Should they ever feature with the infinitely darker version of the team found in Scooby Apocalypse, however, and you’ve got an entirely different – and entirely childhood ruining – scenario on your hands.