10 Weirdest Comic Fan Theories You Won’t Believe Exist

7. Franklin Richards Controls The Marvel Timeline

Robin Double Agent
Marvel Comics

As one of the most powerful mutants in the Marvel universe, it's a well-established fact that Franklin Richards is the most important child in the Marvel universe.

But one fan theory takes Franklin's importance from 'most crucial child', to the single most vital character in the entire Marvel mythos. It speculates that the youngest member of the Richards family has been using his reality-bending powers to create Marvel's infamous sliding timeline, in an effort to keep his family and friends safe by stopping them from aging.

While the actual reason for Marvel Time is more likely to be down to company politics instead of an imaginary ten-year-old, this would be perhaps the best way for the House of Ideas to justify the altered timeline - although it would make Franklin a significantly more ominous figure.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.