10 Weirdest Spider-Man Costumes

1. Captain Universe (aka The Cosmic Spider-Man)

white spiderman
Marvel Comics

After being imbued with the ill-defined Uni-Power (you know, sort of a budget version of the Phoenix Force), Spidey defeated the Tri-Sentinel (three Sentinels squished together by Loki, obviously) and became the new Captain Universe. As you do.

At the very least, all of the other outfits in this list have some tie to the original Spider-Man outfit, whether it's the chest symbol, the web pattern, or the color scheme.

But Spidey's time as Captain Universe led to his most peculiar outfit of all-time, because it, much like the hero himself, was completely sublimated by the new persona. He's virtually unrecognizable, wearing a Silver Surfer onesie with a goofy constellation cardigan and mask, leaving only his "mouth" with the classic web pattern.

He was granted a whole host of new abilities, like the power of flight, force fields, energy blasts, psychically creating webbing from nothing, and manipulating matter at the molecular level.

His powers were as jarring and inconsistent as his outfit, and thankfully, he soon relinquished the Uni-Power and went back to the old Webhead we know and love.


Author, puzzle guy, and lifelong consumer of pop culture. I'm a nerd for wrestling, Star Wars, literature, trivia, and all sorts of other things. Feel free to mock and/or praise me and my scribblings at @glennmandirect on Twitter.