10 Worse Things Mr Freeze Has Ever Done

5. Pushing His Mother Into A Frozen Lake

Mr Freeze DC Comics
DC Comics

The New 52 changed details about Freeze’s childhood as well. One day, he and his mother were walking through the snow and she fell into a frozen lake. The ice was able to preserve her long enough for help to arrive. This sparked the young Victor’s lifelong fascination with the cold.

In addition to being left in chronic pain by the accident, Freeze’s mother developed psychological problems. The incident caused her mind to wander, which drove Victor’s father away.

Wanting to end his mother’s suffering, Freeze brought her back to the lake and pushed her in. He watched her slip away beneath the surface, musing that she had already abandoned him a long time ago.

From that moment on, something inside the boy froze. Watching the ice preserve his mother may have become the inspiration for his animal experimentation in the New 52.


A published short story writer and owner of thecomicvault.wordpress.com, Jamie Ryder spends his time creating fantasy worlds and rambling about pop culture.