10 Worse Things Mr Freeze Has Ever Done

4. Turning His Family Into Icicles

Mr Freeze DC Comics
DC Comics

While locked up in Arkham Asylum, Freeze received regular counselling sessions from a psychiatrist who enjoyed teasing him. During one session, the doctor mentioned that Victor’s father had remarried and had a new family. Eager to make contact, Freeze writes numerous letters to his dad that are never answered.

When the Crime Syndicate attack Arkham, Freeze finds his moment to escape. He goes in search of his long-lost family, wanting to explain what had happened to him. Eventually, Freeze tracks them down and tells them the story of how Batman shattered his dream of leaving Gotham with Nora.

The creepiest thing about the sequence is that Victor talks to the frozen statues of his father’s new family. He goes out of his way to set them up around a dining table. The woman toasts him with a glass of wine, while the children are stuck in eating positions.

The story ends with Freeze claiming his family will never leave him again. Talk about abandonment issues.


A published short story writer and owner of thecomicvault.wordpress.com, Jamie Ryder spends his time creating fantasy worlds and rambling about pop culture.