10 Worst Comic Book Disguises Of All Time

8. Matches Malone

Wolverine Patch
DC Comics

Now, it's worth saying that in many Batman comics, the Dark Knight has jumped through every hoop possible in order to make sure his gangster persona of Matches Malone doesn't clearly look like Bruce Wayne - he gets a skin mask to change the shape of his face, changes his voice through extensive training, wigs - you name it.

In other comics, however, he's pretty blatantly Bruce Wayne with a fake moustache and some sunglasses. To be fair, the leap many would have to make to presume this criminal is instead of course Bruce Wayne in a fake getup pretending to be someone else because this is how Batman gets info is pretty wild, so it isn't too crazy to think it'd work as a disguise.

But it's also not exactly what you'd expect from the "World's Greatest Detective", given that half of the time his great disguise could be purchased for under ten quid at any local costume store.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.