10 Worst Ever Avengers

5. Starfox

Red Hulk
Marvel Comics

Another Eternal, Eros is the son of a group that left Earth to settle on Saturn's moon Titan. Surprisingly for the brother of Thanos, he's a carefree womaniser, partying around the universe like an intergalactic frat bro.

For a time though, Eros was also a member of the Avengers and went by Starfox. Sadly his powers involved neither barrels nor rolling. Instead he was named by Wasp, in one of the cringiest lines of dialogue ever written, because "you're a pretty foxy guy and you've been out among the stars".

So what were Starfox's powers then? He could control other people's emotions, which is exactly as creepy as it sounds. A comic in which he tries to overwhelm The Hulk with "waves pf pleasure" is not something that anyone should ever have to read.

The more terrifying implication though, is that Starfox uses his powers on the women he meets to get them to sleep with him. The comics have tried to address this multiple times, stating that he only uses his natural looks and charisma (because the ladies apparently can't get enough of that spandex and collar combo) and there was even a whole arc of She-Hulk where he was tried and cleared of sexual assault.

Still, having to devote an entire storyline to proving a character probably isn't a rapist suggests they aren't really Avengers material.


I was just a mild-mannered NCTJ accredited journalist until one day I found out the truth... that I could share my nerdy ramblings with people on the internet! It's just like mumbling to myself on the train, but without all the strange looks.