10 Worst Parents In Marvel History

8. Ulysses Bloodstone

Wolverine Vs Daken
Marvel Comics

Slam dunking your child into an arena to face a murderous beast is not peak parenting, but you almost can’t blame Ulysses for his questionable parenting techniques.

As an immortal monster-hunter with an eons-old meteorite in your chest, normal isn't an available choice for him, and so it’s really more likely that the guy has literally zero idea of how to deal with children.

In a messed up way, Ulysses is trying to train them for the world as he knows it - it's just that tends to leave his kids in deadly situations. Plus, of his kids - Cullen and Elsa Bloodstone - only Cullen dies, so he's technically half a successful dad.

That said, knowing things like 'don't send a seven-year-old to face a zombie horde' do seem like Parenting 101.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.