10 Worst Parents In Marvel History

4. Every Runaways Parent

Wolverine Vs Daken
Marvel Comics

Giving your kid things to bond with other children over is generally a pretty stellar parenting move. When that thing is the fact you’ve all been sacrificing innocent people to weird deities, however, that bond tends to convince the whole lot of them to run away, as in the case of the aptly named Runaways.

The series revolves around how this basically destroys the relationships the kids have with their parents, as they are forced to turn on them in order to prevent further deaths - including their own, as most of The Pride are willing to murder anyone that gets in their way.

Even if this doesn’t convince you their parents are evil, it is a wildly poor parenting move. Having blood rites in the same house you cook your kid’s breakfast is an inevitable recipe for disaster – no pun intended.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.