10 Worst Parents In Marvel History

3. Norman Osborn

Wolverine Vs Daken
Marvel Comics

An evil secret identity running in the family is seldom ever a good thing - especially one as notorious as the Green Goblin. Add in a sprinkle of emotional abuse and a family fortune, and you have the continually tragic – but continually neglectful – relationship between Norman Osborn and his son, Harry.

The thing that makes this parenting case particularly tragic is that without a parent like Norman, it’s incredibly unlikely his son, Harry, would have turned his hand to being a supervillain. Yet due to an unconditional love of his sub-par parent, Harry feels obligated to follow in his dad's footsteps - by taking on his dad's old supervillain alias.

In creating the Green Goblin, Norman manages to keep ruining his son's life from beyond the grave, which would be impressive, if it wasn't so unfortunate.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.