10 Worst Superman Powers Of All Time

10. Super-Flares

Superman Super Flare You are right to immediately think of trouser bottoms. That just means you're human. But no, a Super Flare (actual name), is a brand new superpower conveyed upon Superman this very year, in Superman #38 (2015). It actually made headlines. If it was reported every single time Superman debuted a new power during the 60s, there would have been no room in the newspapers for anything other a front page that said "SUPER-WEAVING???" and thirty six pages of screams. A Super Flare is what happens when Superman gets really, really anxious, you guys. DC, not wanting to miss out on that sweet sweet Hulk angst dollar, have given Supes a rage mode, and when his cells overheat (possibly) and he overloads with energy (maybe) he explodes. Superman goes boom. After the big bang, he's left in a weakened, near-human state. Now, this isn't terrible idea from a storytelling perspective. Far from it in fact, giving an immortal god weaknesses both physical and mental is always going to make him more interesting and create more tension. But it is being marketed as a brand new superpower. And it's a TERRIBLE superpower. Not only does it run the risk of vaporising literally EVERYONE, but it also renders Supes useless as soon as it's done. Let's hope that it lives up to the storytelling potential at least.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.