10 Worst Superpowers Of The 21st Century

10. Jenny Soul

Hazmat Mettle, Avengers Academy

Telepathy and telekinesis often go hand in hand where comic books are concerned. However, this often leads to wildly overpowered characters that need some sort of limitation placed on their abilities. Introduced as part of an alternate timeline in the Storm Watch series, Jenny Soul is possibly the most powerful psychic in the DC universe. 

The only problem is that using her powers in public causes the character to be overwhelmed by the noise of the minds around her. As such, Jenny Soul had developed such an extreme case of agoraphobia that she rarely leaves the Storm Watch base.

Jenny Soul gets extra points for being the parallel universe version of Jenny Quantum. The Jennys are an interesting group all round, really. Each one lives for exactly a hundred years, and embodies the spirit of their century. The 20th century Jenny, Jenny Sparks, had electricity-based powers. In the 19th Century, it was steam and light, and so on. Jenny Quantum, the current incarnation, can control everything from Quantum mechanics to dark matter. Compared to her mainstream counterpart, Jenny Soul's psychic powers, representing the more spiritual elements of the current century, seem rather unimpressive.

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With a (nearly) useless degree in English literature and a personal trainer qualification he's never used, Freddie spends his times writing things that he hopes will somehow pay the rent. He's also a former professional singer, and plays the saxophone and ukulele. He's not really used to talking about himself in the third person, and would like to stop now, thanks.